frequently asked questions
What is required to run iNetCourier?
Is iNetCourier available for Windows?
What is an iNetCourier Transfer Site?
How many iNetCourier Transfer Sites will I need?
Can I customize the iNetCourier client interface?
Can I try iNetCourier before I buy?
How do I purchase iNetCourier?
Can I upgrade my version of iNetCourier so I have access to more transfer sites?
How do I receive iNetCourier tech support?
What is required to run iNetCourier?
Server Requirements:
iNetCourier must be installed on a computer running Mac OS X.
• Mac OS X
10.1.5 or later
• An
internet connection
Client Requirements:
iNetCourier allows Mac or PC client machines to log-on and transfer files
via any current web browser.
• Netscape,
Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla
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Is iNetCourier available for Windows?
No. iNetCourier is not yet available for any operating system other than Mac OS X. However, you can connect to an iNetCourier server running under Mac OS X using a Mac or Windows client.
Other platforms are under consideration. If you would be interested in
purchasing iNetCourier for a platform other than Mac OS X, please send
an email to customersupport@inetcourier.com and
include which platform you are interested in.
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What is an iNetCourier Transfer Site?
A transfer site is the iNetCourier client interface. It is a customizable web page the client machine accesses, via a web browser, to upload or download files.
Each transfer site is independent and maintains its own set of users,
passwords, permissions, notification contacts, and transferred files.
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How many iNetCourier Transfer Sites will I need?
It is best to create one transfer site for each customer account. This allows customization of each site to reflect a specific customer's name and logo. Plus, it maintains all files uploaded from one customer separate from the others.
There are three levels of iNetCourier available:
iNetCourier Lite – Allows up to 5 customizable transfer sites
iNetCourier Standard – Allows
up to 15 customizable transfer sites
iNetCourier Enterprise – Allows
unlimited customizable transfer sites
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Can I customize the iNetCourier client interface?
Yes. The iNetCourier client interface (transfer site) is comprised of HTML files which use custom tags needed for the additional functionality provided by iNetCourier. This streamlined design allows for easy customization of the client interface.
Consult the documentation for further information.
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Can I try iNetCourier before I buy?
Yes. A demo version of iNetCourier is available. Visit http://www.inetcourier.com/download.html.
demo version is fully functional except for the following limitations:
• Only
20 launches of the demo are allowed
• Each
launch is limited to 1 hour of run time
• You may only
create 1 transfer site
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How do I purchase iNetCourier?
iNetCourier provides a built in purchase system which utilizes eSellerate.net for secure payment processing. Simply download the demo and when you are ready to buy the software, select Purchase from the iNetCourier File menu. A window will appear to walk you through the purchase process.
There are three versions of iNetCourier to choose from:
iNetCourier Lite – Allows up to 5 customizable
transfer sites, $69
iNetCourier Standard – Allows
up to 15 customizable transfer sites, $129
iNetCourier Enterprise – Allows
unlimited customizable transfer sites, $249
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Can I upgrade my version of iNetCourier so I have access to more transfer sites?
Yes. You can upgrade your version of iNetCourier at any time. To purchase an upgrade, simply select Purchase Upgrade under the iNetCourier File menu. A selection window will appear where you can choose the upgrade that is right for you.
Upgrade: iNetCourier Lite to Standard – Allows
up to 15 customizable transfer sites, $69
Upgrade: iNetCourier Standard to Enterprise – Allows
unlimited customizable transfer sites, $129
Upgrade: iNetCourier Lite to Enterprise – Allows
unlimited customizable transfer sites, $189
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How do I receive iNetCourier tech support?
There are two ways to contact iNetCourier technical support.
Email Tech Support is free and we make every effort to respond
within 24 hours.
You may contact technical support by sending an email to customersupport@inetcourier.com.
Phone Tech Support is fee based at $40 per incident.
You can
purchase a support incident by logging onto our store.
Phone: (214) 682-7600 • Monday
- Friday • 8am
- 5pm CST
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